Landing page: appvizer releases a new free tool for lead generation

Landing page: appvizer releases a new free tool for lead generation

To simplify the conversion of traffic, generated on appvizer’s platform, into leads, you have a free new tool that allows you to create a Landing Page compatible with all browsers and all fixed and mobile devices.

This Landing Page editor prevents you from asking your developers and web-designers to create an optimized landing page. It also saves you the subscription costs of a paid tool like GetLandy or Unbounce to get a qualitative result quickly.

How does the Landing Page editor work?

To create your landing Page, connect to your appvizer account and click on the icon  to the right of your software name:

Accès à l'éditeur de landing page

Fill in the fields (title, value proposition, testimonials, product benefits) and set up the form:

Formulaire Landing Page

Here is an example of the final result once your data has been entered (texts, images, and form) without any efforts in design:  

How to use these Landing Pages?

Your Landing Page has a unique URL. You can connect it to the Call To Action, you activated on appvizer, or to any other platform (Website, Adwords campaign, social networks).

For any further question about this new Landing Page editor, please contact your account manager through the chat room at the bottom right of the screen.